About Healing with Tiff

Tiffany Campbell

I have been working with people all over the world for over 10 years and meet with clients through Zoom. I have found my passion in helping small business owners succeed in their professional and personal lives.

My clients and I love the F.I.X. Code because it is a simple process that disconnects emotions from memories without re-living them and it takes less than 5 minutes to release the Code running your life in that moment. My clients enjoy living a FIX'd Life.

Tiffany's Background

What Are My Clients Saying?

Feedback from my delighted clientele.

I am so grateful for Tiffany and the FIX Code. I am halfway through the 8 week Complete Freedom program, and I already feel a major energy shift, and my overall state of being feels more settled and peaceful. I host group presentations as part of my business, and I had been feeling so nervous and even physically sick at times when I had to start speaking to the point that I stopped scheduling more events for a while. During one of the sessions with Tiffany, I released "fear of speaking in public." I am now able to host events without that overwhelming feeling of dread. That is just one example of many. Thank You Tiffany.

Melinda Love

Thank you Tiffany for letting me experience the FIX Code Complete Freedom program with you. I have noticed myself having less triggered emotions with my family. Sometimes you know when kids push your buttons it can be triggering but I find myself just laughing at it instead of being upset or bothered and then they just laugh with me.

I want to thank you for this past 8 weeks. I woke Wednesday with more passion and drive in me. I felt more motivated in my business and have gotten more done. Remember how we were all saying how we were putting things off and saying tomorrow? Those things I’m actually ready to tackle and get done in my business. It’s amazing. Thank you Tiffany.

Crystal Futrell

The amount of peace these last 4 weeks of healing have brought are out this world as I am building a new business for my family. These FIX code sessions have brought clear discernment and a clear mind for direction. I am so truly grateful for this course! I can’t wait to see where we are in 6 months from all these blocks being removed! Thank you Tiffany! You truly are a healer and going to heal so many to be able to go beyond their dreams in success.

Rachelle Kuzma

I can't thank you enough for the resolve you've granted me over these last 8 weeks. All healing is different and moves us into the space for our next chapter but the F.I.X. Code has changed my life by leaps and bounds in such a short time. I'm loving the F.I.X. Code and mostly your heart and soul that you so eloquently share with us week over week. xoxo

Naomi Luz

Video Testimonies

Introducing the F.I.X. Code

Sit back, relax, close your eyes and follow the guided instructions. The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma.

We remove the emotional response to a specific memory of a past traumatic event so well that when you think about what happened to you, you can't think about the horrible way you feel right now. It's as if it happened to someone else.

Years of implementation and thousands of lives changed have proven that the F.I.X Code changes lives immediately. The far-reaching effects of one changed life are infinite.

F.I.X. Code Sessions

We will meet over Zoom so you can be anywhere in the world! Just make sure you are in a quite place where you can close your eyes with no distractions. You will be sitting up during the session.

I will ask you a MAGIC QUESTION that will allow you to connect to the emotion that is running like a computer program in the background of your mind. We call the emotion/program a CODE.

During the Session

Within 3-5 minutes you can disconnect the CODE from memories through a simple meditation where you will be guided back to the root cause typically between birth and the age of 7 and sometimes your unconscious mind will reveal an event that is before birth (ancestral past). Your mind WILL reveal information to you.

My clients have said they have never been able to get so deep to the root of the problem so fast. Some clients have been on a healing journey for 10, 20, and even 30+ years and this modality has helped them more than any other healing modality they have experienced before. Of all of the modalities I am certified in, the F.I.X. Code has been the go-to modality for over a year for my clients.


What is the F.I.X. CODE?

The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma.

How long is a F.I.X. CODE session?

A session usually is usually 15 minutes up to 45 minutes depending on how many codes you want to work through.

What is the cost of a F.I.X. CODE session?

The investment for F.I.X. Code sessions can vary depending on the codes you are ready to release.

A 15 minute experience session is $50

A 1 hour session is $125

After taking the Passion to Purpose Course - (5) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $299

After taking the Beyond Amazing Course - (6) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $399

After taking the Spiritual Cleanse Course - (10) 30 minute F.I.X. Code sessions is $699

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